The Hewitt Review – what it might mean for ICSs, and for your business
The Hewitt Review – what it might mean for ICSs, and for your business

In November 2022, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Steve Barclay, commissioned Former Health Secretary Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt to conduct an independent review into Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). The Hewitt review was finally published on 4th April 2023 and contains 36 recommendations. Our assessment is that there are a number of key points that are likely to gain traction.
Firstly, Hewitt calls for greater investment in preventative health – an approach supported across the political spectrum and an area that is likely to be a major policy driver in the months and years to come. The Report recommends that ICSs increase the proportion of spend on prevention by 1% over the coming years. Whilst this might not sound much, it would equate to over a £1bn per annum and offer significant opportunities for growth in areas such as digital health and preventative medicine.
Secondly, the Report calls for greater focus and investment in data analytics, modelling and technology. Although the NHS is one of the best health systems in the world for collecting data, it consistently under-exploits the potential it has for driving change. Historic underinvestment in data analytics, modelling and technology, means that the NHS is likely to need greater support from MedTech firms to make a step-change in this area.
Consistent feedback from our clients is that they can find ICSs challenging to engage. We have extensive experience in working with ICSs, and a deep understanding on how to navigate their complexity, so if it would be helpful to have further discussions on how to work with ICSs and what support we can offer in this area, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing
Follow this link to read our full briefing note on the Hewitt Review.