What does the new integrated rules-based med-tech pathway mean?
NHS England and NICE have published a consultation document which sets out proposals to move towards a more rules-based, integrated, and predictable pathway for the evaluation, funding, and commissioning of…
What does the General Election mean for UK Health and Life sciences
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wrong-footed political commentators and analysts yesterday by calling a General Election on the 4th of July. The decision looks to have been driven by better economic…
Is the NHS finally developing a clear evaluation and reimbursement pathway for digital health technologies?
Today the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) in collaboration with the Office for Life Sciences (OLS) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), opened…
Harnessing primary care data for clinical research and trial recruitment – supported by EMIS
The UK’s health and care system produces a vast amount of data that can support research and deliver improvements in the quality of care patients receive. Primary care data are…
Transformation of the lung cancer pathway in the UK: an opportunity for innovation
In November, Newmarket Strategy hosted a roundtable discussion on the Transformation of the Lung Cancer Pathway in the NHS. This event brought together leading academics, clinicians, and industry partners, providing…
The welcome NHS Workforce Plan must mark the start of a challenging reform agenda
Publication of today's long term NHS Workforce Plan marks a milestone for two reasons. Firstly, because its content is genuinely reforming - significant commitments with the potential to address critical…