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Iain has held senior roles driving digital health in government, the NHS and private sector over 20 years, most recently as Digital Transformation Director at NHSx until the end of 2021.

Having joined the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) in 2017, Iain led the development of the digital strategy for DHSC and NHS England, before joining the leadership team of the newly formed NHSx. Iain worked on the development of the NHS App, the transformation of national screening, cancer and mental health services and was the Senior Responsible Officer for the NHS 111 Online service. Through COVID, he worked on the Covid vaccinations service, digitising social care, and led teams that created – amongst other things – the messaging service for the 2.2million clinically vulnerable people and a digital health record system for those transferred from hospital to social care.

Prior to the NHS, Iain spent 15 years in digital and technology transformation roles in the private sector, including four years as digital director at Nuffield Health, where he led the development and launch of their national online gym-joining and class-booking services, as well as digitising care pathways in Nuffield’s private hospitals.

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